VR without obstructing goggles opens up big opportunities

So far, using VR goggles makes nearly everyone look rather stupid. No one sees what you sees, and you face is covered. Now, Google has found a way forward which opens up great venues. Just think about it: Soon you can wear VR glasses that look like ordinary glasses, but that feed you the information you need as a layer on top of what we refer to as reality today. Soon we can, just by looking a person, see a summary of their latest Facebook and LinkedIn posts, and see suggestions of questions to ask based on their current lives. Spooky for some, but deeply meaningful for others.

Google has figured out a way to let you see VR headset users’ full faces while they’re immersed in an experience – as if the headsets were invisible.

Source: Google’s new tech turns VR headsets invisible

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Author: Patrik Bergman

Communications Manager at Haldex. Father, husband, vegetarian and reader of Dostoyevsky.

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