#AI in self-driving cars and trucks is racing, but are we as humans keeping up?

Below is an interesting view of how artificial intelligence in cars, and trucks, is moving forward quickly, while we as humans sometimes are left behind. For many engineers, it seems the higher up on the automatic scale we come, the better. But we must always take into account how we as humans will interact with all this automation, and especially when the automation shuts down:

“Taking back control of a self-driving car might be relatively quick, but taking the right action might take a lot longer.”

We need more people to reflect on these vital questions.

Not Fast Enough: Human Factors in AI Self-Driving Cars for Control Transitions – AI Trends

You are driving your car and suddenly a child darts into the street from the sidewalk. You see the child in the corner of your eye, your mental processesSource: Not Fast Enough: Human Factors in AI Self-Driving Cars for Control Transitions – AI Trends

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Author: Patrik Bergman

Communications Manager at Haldex. Father, husband, vegetarian and reader of Dostoyevsky.

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