No one can read what’s on the cards for AI’s future | John Naughton | Opinion | The Guardian

It is hard to tell where Artificial Intelligence will take us, even for the people inventing it.

AI is now beating us at poker, but not even Google co-founder Sergey Brin can say with any certainty what the next steps for machine learning are

Source: No one can read what’s on the cards for AI’s future | John Naughton | Opinion | The Guardian

AI’s open source model is closed, inadequate, and outdated | TechCrunch

An overview of how Artificial Intelligence can work better going forward.

Artificial Intelligence is big. And getting bigger. Enterprises that have experience with machine learning are looking to graduate to Artificial Intelligence based technologies. Enterprises that…

Source: AI’s open source model is closed, inadequate, and outdated | TechCrunch

4 FAQs on getting started with IBM Watson – IBM Watson

Hayley Yudelman at IBM shares some common Q&As about Watson.

We get asked a lot of questions about how to start building with Watson, so we decided to compile our top 4 Frequently Asked Questions. You can use this as a guide to learn more about the technology, receive inspiration from use cases, get valuable resources, and ultimately begin building with the technology.

Source: 4 FAQs on getting started with IBM Watson – IBM Watson

Meet AI2 , Artificial intelligence based Security System that is 85% accurate

MIT experiments with AI and machine learning to fight cyber threats.

AI2, the new artificial intelligence platform is roughly three times better than the existing security systems, says the researchers from MIT. Read complete story here.

Source: Meet AI2 , Artificial intelligence based Security System that is 85% accurate