AI and Neuroscience: A virtuous circle | DeepMind

So far apart for so long, but now AI researchers and neuro scientist are dating. I can only applaud more of this since, yes, humans are at the center. Just waiting for more philosophers to enter the stage as well.

Recent progress in AI has been remarkable. While this is attributed to several factors, one often overlooked contribution is the use of ideas from experimental and theoretical neuroscience. We argue that if we are to continue to make rapid advances, researchers should not lose sight of this valuable interplay. We urge researchers in neuroscience and AI to find a common language, allowing a free flow of knowledge that will allow continued progress in both fields.

Source: AI and Neuroscience: A virtuous circle | DeepMind

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Author: Patrik Bergman

Communications Manager at Haldex. Father, husband, vegetarian and reader of Dostoyevsky.

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