How Artificial Intelligence can help us understand the world visually.
An introduction to the field of computer vision and image recognition, and how Deep Learning is fueling the fire of…
Central themes for Artificial Intelligence and writing
Fantastic overview of what Artificial Intelligence is, and what it can mean for us.
Curious about AI but find the topic to be overly technical and confusing? This primer on AI breaks down the key technologies you’ve heard about. [Free research]
Source: Artificial Intelligence and You: Demystifying the Technology Landscape
An overview of how the largest tech companies work with Artificial Intelligence.
Source: How Today’s Top Tech Titans are Using Artificial Intelligence – Techvibes
Excellent summary of what is happening now within the area of Artificial Intelligence.
Source: Weekly Roundup: Artificial Intelligence Everywhere – Techvibes
To understand what can happen with Artificial Intelligence in the future, you need to let go of your current understanding.
You can never create the future by targeting the present.
Source: The Next Big Thing Usually Starts Out Looking Like Nothing At All |
To understand what can happen with Artificial Intelligence in the future, you need to let go of your current understanding.
You can never create the future by targeting the present.
Source: The Next Big Thing Usually Starts Out Looking Like Nothing At All |
An overview of how Artificial Intelligence can work better going forward.
Artificial Intelligence is big. And getting bigger. Enterprises that have experience with machine learning are looking to graduate to Artificial Intelligence based technologies. Enterprises that…
Source: AI’s open source model is closed, inadequate, and outdated | TechCrunch
Our lives will be highly automated in the future. Let’s prepare.
Today Apple joined a leading AI ethics group, one of several tech-led initiatives preparing for a highly automated future.
Source: Tech Leaders Are Just Now Getting Serious About AI Ethics