Search your Facebook photos by describing them. #AI

Google’s Photos has been around for a while and Facebook wants to use artificial intelligence for photos also.

You Can Now Search for Facebook Photos by Describing What’s in Them |

The company’s artificial intelligence goes beyond just scanning captions.

Source: You Can Now Search for Facebook Photos by Describing What’s in Them |

Facebook and #AI: Mora about Facebook’s AI Research (FAIR)

How Facebook plans to evaluate its quest for generalized artificial intelligence | TechCrunch

One of the biggest misconceptions about artificial intelligence is the belief that today’s AIs possess generalized intelligence. We are really good at leveraging large data sets to…

Source: How Facebook plans to evaluate its quest for generalized artificial intelligence | TechCrunch

AI watchdog needed to regulate automated decision-making, say experts | Technology | The Guardian

AI can help us fight discrimination.

Algorithms can make bad decisions that have serious impacts on people’s lives, leading to calls for a third party body to ensure transparency and fairness

Source: AI watchdog needed to regulate automated decision-making, say experts | Technology | The Guardian

AI watchdog needed to regulate automated decision-making, say experts | Technology | The Guardian

AI can help us fight discrimination.

Algorithms can make bad decisions that have serious impacts on people’s lives, leading to calls for a third party body to ensure transparency and fairness

Source: AI watchdog needed to regulate automated decision-making, say experts | Technology | The Guardian