
AI’s open source model is closed, inadequate, and outdated | TechCrunch

An overview of how Artificial Intelligence can work better going forward.

Artificial Intelligence is big. And getting bigger. Enterprises that have experience with machine learning are looking to graduate to Artificial Intelligence based technologies. Enterprises that…

Source: AI’s open source model is closed, inadequate, and outdated | TechCrunch

A Robot Helped Insert a Needle into a Patient’s Retinal Vein | Digital Trends

Already now, robots can help doctors and nurses perform surgery. Just imagine what will happen in just a few years.

If the idea of something touching your eye upsets you, you won’t like a medical innovation involving a robot, a needle, and a retinal vein.

Source: A Robot Helped Insert a Needle into a Patient’s Retinal Vein | Digital Trends

A massive AI partnership is adding civil rights organizations to keep computers from repeating human mistakes — Quartz

AI is too important since it can have a massive effect on our society. Let’s meet.

“There’s a decision: Are you going to use artificial intelligence to perpetuate biases that exist in our human society?”

Source: A massive AI partnership is adding civil rights organizations to keep computers from repeating human mistakes — Quartz

The charisma droids: today’s robots and the artists who foresaw them | Art and design | The Guardian

‘Robots’ – an exhibition at the Science Museum.

Backstage at the Science Museum, London, where these real experiments and a full-scale model from the Terminator films are gathered to be installed in the exhibition Robots,

Source: The charisma droids: today’s robots and the artists who foresaw them | Art and design | The Guardian

Artificial intelligence and the law | TechCrunch

A lawyer reflects on cars and other machines as part of legal processes.

Laws govern the conduct of humans, and sometimes the machines that humans use, such as cars. But what happens when those cars become human-like, as in artificial intelligence that can drive cars?…

Source: Artificial intelligence and the law | TechCrunch

9 Ways to Use Artificial Intelligence in Recruiting and HR | Workology

AI will have a big influence on how we recruit. Here are tips on how to begin.

Next week I’m honored to be taking part of the Work Trends Twitter Chat and Podcast hosted by the good folks at TalentCulture. Join me Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016 from 12-1 PM CST. You can learn…

Source: 9 Ways to Use Artificial Intelligence in Recruiting and HR | Workology

Artificial Intelligence and HR: The New Wave of Technology – TalentCulture

How AI can influence HR and the recruitment process.

Rapid technology advancements have disrupted HR and enhanced the process for HR professionals. What is the latest disruptor? Think artificial intelligence.

Source: Artificial Intelligence and HR: The New Wave of Technology – TalentCulture

Artificial Learning, Machine Learning and Deep Learning: Know The Difference

AI is the mother, machine learning the child, and Deep learning the grandchild.

Welcome to 2025! Meet Susan. Your friend, assistant, manager and everything you need in your routine. She keeps your emails organized, schedules your meetings. Sees to your basic home needs and replenishes your stock of groceries whenever it’s about to finish. She can be your best friend when you are low. She paints and writes poetry when you need a bit of Art and Literature to unwind. That sounds a lot like Samantha, voiced by Scarlett Johansson in HER. You possibly can’t have missed that beautiful movie. Well, at least you must have heard of it. Susan or Samantha are – simply put – more refined and technological version of Siri, Cortana. Google Assistance, or Google DeepMind. Tech companies – large and small – are racing to make AI a part of everyday life. The digital world is full of buzz words that seemed real only on reel – Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Crunching, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning. Big words with little or no meaning in the real word, not so

Source: Artificial Learning, Machine Learning and Deep Learning: Know The Difference